Delbert Melton Obituary and Funerals:

Publish date: 2024-05-02

The community of the Outer Banks is commemorating the life and legacy of the late Delbert Melton today as they pay their respects to the man who passed away.

In a post that he published on Facebook on March 15, Kill Devil Hills Mayor Ben Sproul referred to him using the phrases “Man. Myth. Legend” to describe him. He stated that “many a magnificent narrative will be spun today, as the world reverberates with this enormous loss.”

The man with the biggest heart and the biggest personality dominated lineups all the way down the Outer Banks for decades, greatly influencing generations of groms, salty surfers, and innocent observers alike. He commanded lineups all the way down the Outer Banks.

In an article that was written and published in 2016 on the Outer Banks Voice by Russ Lay, he was referred to as “the kind of non-conformist, drop-out-of-society soul who regularly washed up on our shores and became part of the unique fabric of our community.” This description was taken from the article.

Lay described him as “the kind of non-conformist, drop-out-of-society soul who periodically washed up on our shores,” and Lay stated that Lay made this statement about him. Even though he grew a beard as long as a pirate’s and worked odd jobs to obtain just enough money to surf and put a modest roof over his head, Melton’s only request was that people leave him alone. He didn’t care about anything else. In addition to this, he disregarded what people in society considered to be “normal.” The Voice is currently working on developing a more in-depth memorial for Delbert Melton that will be published soon.

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