Kendall Jenners AI twin is the most frightening thing weve ever seen Wed 18 October

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Kendall Jenner as a Meta AI Instagram ‘older sister’ is literally the creepiest thing on the Internet right now. She’s the main star of the yoursisbillie Instagram page. And fans are super spooked by her face.

As if The Kardashians haven’t already dominated the social media world, Kendall Jenner is now the latest celebrity to be cloned as a Meta AI page. In perhaps the most realistic artificial intelligence video ever, what appears to be Kendall Jenner talking is actually a fake video of ‘Billie’. Are the Kardashians officially taking over now? This whole technology thing is officially getting out of hand.

Kendall Jenner as AI twin

Kendall Jenner becoming an AI twin was worth millions, Unilad reports. It was created by Meta as part of its new AI experiences, with Billie offering advice to its 106,000 followers on the @yoursisbillie page.

In a video shared to the page, the chatbot says: “Hey guys, it’s Billie. I just want to introduce myself. I am here to chat whenever you want. Message me for any advice. I am ready to talk.”

The page writes: “I’m Billie, an AI managed by Meta! I’m played by Kendall Jenner — which means she’ll show up in some of the photos and videos on my page. Some of the other content will be AI-generated.”

Yoursisbillie Instagram by Meta

The yoursisbillie Instagram page has left fans super disturbed. The page wrote to its followers: “Chatting with me is like having an older sister you can talk to, but who can’t steal your clothes.”

One fan wrote in the comments: “I would say I always know AI when I see it. This one seems nothing like AI to me. If it actually is AI generated … I will freak out.”

Another penned: “Why would people want to message a computer simulation of Kendall Jenner?! pls, make it make sense 😂.” A fellow fan said: “Na that ain’t AI that’s Kendall for sure.”


— dodie ⎕ (@1975kurtis) October 10, 2023
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The AI video is creepily realistic

There is literally nothing in the video that suggests it’s not Kendall Jenner. The AI-generated video sounds and looks like her, with the same mannerisms that the reality TV star usually has.

The new technology is amazing, there’s no doubt, but Black Mirror is basically being done in real life now. There’s literally no way to officially verify that a celebrity appearing on a video is really them these days.

The yoursisbillie featuring Kendall Jenner as an AI on Instagram is the most realistic celebrity AI-generated content we’ve ever seen. The Kardashians are influential enough as it is!

Meta is truly amazing. The very same AI celebrities have already appeared on insta and just look at them. If you don't know that it's a neuronka, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference from the original Kendall Jenner.

— Mikhail Kulakov (@mikkulakov) October 13, 2023
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