Bret Hart Had To Fight Vince McMahon To Get Owen Hart Famous WrestleMania Match

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Bret Hart was a top name in WWE, but that spot wasn’t just handed to him. Vince McMahon had to see something in The Hitman first, and that needed some serious convincing. It also took a bit more convincing for Vince to give Owen Hart a proper spotlight.

Bret Hart and Vince McMahon were known to have had their differences over the years. There are tons of documentaries on that very subject. Despite this, Hart never shied away from expressing his criticism to his former boss.

Initially, Bret Hart was not slated to face Owen Hart at WrestleMania X. However, he lobbied for his brother backstage in a big way. Vince McMahon didn’t want to do the match because he said, “brothers don’t fight,” to which anyone who has a brother that they were close to knows that brothers fight all the time.

According to Natalya, while speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Bret stood up for his brother Owen Hart, demanding that he be given a push in WWE and have his moment to shine. Thankfully, that effort paid off.

“A lot of people don’t know this, Bret was a huge catalyst for Owen getting a huge push in WWE. Vince McMahon, there was a different direction they were going to go with Bret that year, and it wasn’t with Owen.

Bret stood up and said no, I want Owen to have this moment, to be a part of this match, I want him in this. I love that he stood up and fought for his brother, but the storyline was that they were fighting each other when Bret was creating this magical moment that has lived on forever when you think about great humans. Owen played the role of this bad guy, but he was such an amazing person.”

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart went down at WrestleMania, and The Hitman got what he wanted. It’s not every day that Vince McMahon gives into a booking decision, especially at WrestleMania. So, you have to know that Mr. McMahon had to see things Hart’s way eventually. It just took a bit more coercing.

Sadly, Owen Hart is not around to tell his side of the family. At least we have other members of the Hart legacy, like Natalya, who can share their stories for years to come.

What’s your take on Vince McMahon’s decision-making process? Does he make more booking botches than he does wins? Sound off in the comments!
