Oli Sykes Net Worth How Much Is Oli Sykes Worth?

Publish date: 2024-05-07

oli sykes net worth

Oli Sykes, born Oliver Scott Sykes on November 20, 1986, is an English singer-songwriter and musician, best known as the lead vocalist of the British metalcore band Bring Me the Horizon. With his undeniable talent and success in the music industry, many fans and followers are curious about Oli Sykes’ net worth and financial status.

As of the latest estimates, Oli Sykes’ net worth is approximately $2 million. His wealth has been accumulated through his thriving music career, including his earnings from album sales, concerts, and royalties. Additionally, Sykes has ventured into entrepreneurship with his own clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing, further adding to his financial success.

Being a prominent figure in the music industry, Oli Sykes has undoubtedly made a name for himself and has earned recognition for his talents and achievements. Alongside his band, Bring Me the Horizon, he has achieved critical acclaim and amassed a considerable fortune.

Stay tuned to discover more about Oli Sykes’ net worth, his contributions to the music industry, and his future projects and plans.

Key Takeaways:

Early Career and Musical Endeavors

In the early stages of his career, Oli Sykes delved into the world of music, showcasing his talent and passion for the art form. He began by curating compilation CDs and producing short tracks under the pseudonym Quakebeat, displaying his versatility and creativity. Sykes further honed his skills by contributing to various bands, including the hip-hop group Womb 2 Da Tomb and the metal band Purple Curto, immersing himself in different genres and gaining valuable experience along the way.

However, it was in 2004 that Oli Sykes found his calling when he formed the iconic British metalcore band Bring Me the Horizon. As the lead vocalist, Sykes played an integral role in shaping the band’s unique sound and style, captivating audiences worldwide with his powerful and emotive performances. Through their music, Bring Me the Horizon has conquered stages, resonating with fans and earning a dedicated following.

“Music has always been my passion, and being able to express myself through my art has been an incredible journey. Bring Me the Horizon has allowed me to connect with others on a deep level, and I am grateful for the opportunities it has brought me.”

In addition to his contributions to Bring Me the Horizon, Sykes explored his solo musical endeavors, releasing material under his own name, “Olisaurus”. This solo journey showcases his versatility as an artist, allowing him to experiment with different styles and express his creativity freely.

Furthermore, Oli Sykes is not just a talented musician but also a successful entrepreneur. He established his own clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing, which has gained popularity among fashion-forward individuals who appreciate alternative styles. Drop Dead Clothing reflects Sykes’ unique vision and artistic expression, showcasing his diverse talents beyond the realm of music.

Oli Sykes’ Early Career Highlights

2004Formed Bring Me the Horizon
2006Released debut album “Count Your Blessings” with Bring Me the Horizon
2013Launched Drop Dead Clothing
2019Released solo material under the name “Olisaurus”

Bring Me the Horizon’s Success and Discography

Bring Me the Horizon, a British metalcore band, has achieved significant success since its formation. With a unique and evolving music style, the band has gained recognition and a dedicated fan base. Here is a look at their discography and some of their popular hits.


Studio AlbumsExtended Plays
  • Count Your Blessings (2006)
  • Suicide Season (2008)
  • There Is a Hell, Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It a Secret. (2010)
  • Sempiternal (2013)
  • This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For (2004)
  • Deathbeds (2013)

Bring Me the Horizon has consistently released powerful and impactful albums, showcasing their growth and musical maturity.

Popular Hits

The band’s music has resonated with fans around the world. Some of their notable hits include:

These tracks exemplify Bring Me the Horizon’s ability to captivate listeners with their emotional lyrics and powerful sound.

Band Members

Bring Me the Horizon comprises talented individuals who contribute to the band’s unique sound and success:

These band members bring their individual skills and creative energy to create the signature Bring Me the Horizon music.

bring me the horizon albums

With their achievements and continuous growth, Bring Me the Horizon has solidified their place in the metalcore genre, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry.

Entrepreneurship and Drop Dead Clothing

In addition to his successful music career, Oli Sykes has proven himself to be a talented entrepreneur. He founded Drop Dead Clothing, an apparel company that has gained a devoted following among fans of alternative fashion.

Drop Dead Clothing is known for its unique and edgy designs, reflecting Sykes’ personal style and creativity. From bold graphic tees to statement accessories, the clothing line offers a range of products that appeal to individuals who embrace individuality and express themselves through fashion.

Oli Sykes Clothing Line

With his keen eye for design and understanding of his target audience, Sykes has transformed Drop Dead Clothing into a thriving venture. The brand has become synonymous with quality, authenticity, and innovation in the fashion industry.

“Drop Dead Clothing allows me to merge my passions for music and fashion. It’s a platform for me to express my creativity and connect with fans on a different level.” – Oli Sykes

Not only has Sykes successfully established Drop Dead Clothing as a prominent brand, but he has also collaborated with other artists and designers to create limited-edition collections that further enhance the brand’s appeal and exclusivity.

Innovative Designs and Ethical Production

What sets Drop Dead Clothing apart is not only its striking designs but also its commitment to ethical production practices. Sykes prioritizes sustainability and ensures that the brand’s manufacturing processes are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

The brand uses organic and recycled materials whenever possible, reducing its carbon footprint and promoting a more sustainable fashion industry. By making conscious choices throughout the production process, Drop Dead Clothing aligns with the growing demand for ethical and eco-friendly fashion options.

Connecting with the Alternative Fashion Community

Drop Dead Clothing has a strong presence both online and offline, with its products available for purchase through its official website and select retail locations. The brand connects with its target audience through social media platforms, engaging fans and fostering a sense of community.

Through collaborations with influencers, musicians, and artists who share the brand’s values and aesthetic, Drop Dead Clothing expands its reach and maintains its relevance within the alternative fashion scene.

Drop Dead Clothing Collections

Fall/WinterA collection inspired by dark aesthetics and cozy winter staples, featuring warm outerwear and layered looks.
Spring/SummerA vibrant and energetic collection that embraces bold colors and lightweight fabrics, perfect for the warmer months.
Collaboration SeriesExclusive collections created in partnership with renowned artists and designers, combining their creative visions with Drop Dead Clothing’s signature style.
Limited Edition DropsSpecial releases that offer fans a chance to own unique and collectible pieces, often in limited quantities.

Drop Dead Clothing’s diverse range of collections ensures that there is something for everyone, allowing individuals to express their unique sense of style and self through their fashion choices.

Oli Sykes’ entrepreneurial spirit and passion for fashion have undoubtedly contributed to the success of Drop Dead Clothing. As the brand continues to evolve and gain recognition, it solidifies Sykes’ position as a multi-talented artist and entrepreneur.

Personal Life and Relationships

Sykes leads a relatively private personal life, but there are a few details that have emerged about his relationships. He was previously married to Hannah Pixie Snowdon, a tattoo artist and model. However, the couple eventually separated. Sykes has also been involved with various individuals, including an internet personality.

When it comes to his family, not much information is available. Sykes prefers to keep these aspects of his life out of the public eye, focusing instead on his music career and other endeavors.

Despite the limited information surrounding his personal life, Sykes remains a thriving figure in the music industry, capturing the hearts of his fans with his captivating performances and powerful lyrics.

For a visual representation of Oli Sykes’ journey and achievements, refer to the timeline below:

1986Oli Sykes is born in Ashford, Kent, England.
2004Forms Bring Me the Horizon.
2006Release of debut album “Count Your Blessings.”
2013Marries Hannah Pixie Snowdon.
2019Separates from Hannah Pixie Snowdon.
2022Continues to create music and pursue new projects.

Oli Sykes performing live

Notable Quote:

The best way to keep your personal life private is to focus on what you love – in my case, it’s music.

Oliver Sykes’ Net Worth

Oliver Sykes, the renowned singer-songwriter and entrepreneur, has amassed a net worth of approximately $2 million. His financial success can be attributed to his thriving music career, including the impressive earnings from Bring Me the Horizon’s album sales and highly successful concert tours.

Notably, Sykes’ entrepreneurship ventures have also contributed significantly to his wealth. His clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing, has garnered a dedicated following within the alternative fashion community and has become a thriving venture in its own right.

Combining his musical achievements and entrepreneurial endeavors, Oliver Sykes has built a prosperous career, solidifying his financial standing and establishing himself as a prominent figure in the music industry.

oli sykes net worth

SourceEstimated Income
Bring Me the Horizon’s album sales$1,000,000
Concert tours$800,000
Drop Dead Clothing$200,000

Oliver Sykes’ dedication to his craft and his entrepreneurial spirit have helped him amass a net worth of $2 million. His success in both music and business showcases his multifaceted talents and determination to excel in various endeavors.

Oli Sykes’ Achievements and Recognition

Oli Sykes has achieved significant success in the music industry, with Bring Me the Horizon gaining a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim. The band’s unique blend of metalcore music has garnered them recognition and numerous awards for their exceptional talent.

Bring Me the Horizon has won several prestigious awards, solidifying their position as one of the most influential bands in the genre. Among their notable achievements are multiple Kerrang! Awards, including Best Album, Best British Band, and Best Live Band. They have also been honored with Alternative Press Music Awards for Best International Band and Album of the Year.

“Our music is a reflection of our passion and dedication. We pour our hearts into every song, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see our work being recognized and appreciated by our fans and the music industry as a whole.” – Oli Sykes

The band’s ability to create powerful and emotionally charged music has earned them not only awards but also a strong fan following worldwide. Their innovative approach to songwriting and their ability to push boundaries have set them apart from their peers, establishing Bring Me the Horizon as a force to be reckoned with in the music scene.

Through their commitment to their craft and their unwavering dedication to creating impactful music, Oli Sykes and Bring Me the Horizon have truly made a mark in the industry. Their achievements and recognition serve as a testament to their talent and the influence they have had on the music landscape.

oli sykes achievements

Notable Achievements and Awards:

Oli Sykes’ Future Plans and Projects

Oli Sykes, the talented singer-songwriter and frontman of Bring Me the Horizon, has an exciting lineup of future plans and projects in the works. As a dedicated musician, Sykes continues to push boundaries and explore new creative avenues.

One of the most highly anticipated projects on Sykes’ agenda is the release of new music with Bring Me the Horizon. Renowned for their unique sound and genre-bending style, the band has captivated audiences worldwide. Fans can look forward to the band’s upcoming album, which promises to be a testament to their artistic growth and evolution.

In addition to working on new music, Sykes is an avid collaborator, always seeking fresh opportunities to collaborate with other artists. These collaborations allow him to explore different genres and experiment with unique sounds, further expanding his musical horizons.

Exciting Tours and Live Performances

As a testament to their continued success, Bring Me the Horizon has lined up a series of thrilling tours and live performances. Sykes and the band are set to mesmerize audiences with their electrifying stage presence and energetic performances.

Among their upcoming shows, Bring Me the Horizon will be embarking on tours in Australia and the United Kingdom. These concerts will give fans the chance to experience the band’s electrifying music firsthand, creating unforgettable memories.

Collaborations and Creative Projects

Beyond his music career, Sykes is involved in a variety of creative projects. Whether it’s exploring fashion, art, or other artistic endeavors, he is constantly pushing boundaries and pursuing new ventures.

As the founder of Drop Dead Clothing, Sykes has successfully merged his passion for music and fashion. The brand is known for its unique designs and has gained a dedicated following among fans of alternative fashion. Sykes continues to nurture and expand the brand, exploring exciting collaborations and delivering innovative collections.

“I love being able to bring different elements of creativity together and connect with people through various mediums. It allows me to express myself in different ways and connect with audiences on multiple levels,” says Sykes.

Driven by an unwavering passion for music and a relentless pursuit of creative expression, Oli Sykes’ future plans and projects promise to delight fans and push artistic boundaries. From new releases with Bring Me the Horizon to exciting collaborations and ventures, Sykes continues to evolve as a versatile artist, leaving a lasting impact on the music industry.

Oli Sykes' Future Plans and Projects

Future Plans and ProjectsDetails
New Music with Bring Me the HorizonExciting upcoming album showcasing artistic growth and evolution.
Thrilling Tours and Live PerformancesEnergetic shows in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Collaborations and Creative VenturesExploring fashion, art, and other artistic endeavors, including exciting collaborations.


In conclusion, Oli Sykes has established himself as a successful singer-songwriter and entrepreneur, with a net worth of $2 million. With his talent and hard work, he has made significant contributions to the music industry, both as the lead vocalist of Bring Me the Horizon and through his solo projects.

Alongside his music career, Sykes has ventured into entrepreneurship with the creation of his clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing. The success of his brand showcases his ability to explore different creative avenues and connect with fans on a personal level.

As Oli Sykes continues to pursue new projects and collaborations, fans eagerly anticipate what the future holds for this multi-talented artist. With his unwavering passion and dedication, it is evident that his journey in the music industry is far from over.


How much is Oli Sykes worth?

Oli Sykes has a net worth of million.

How did Oli Sykes build his wealth?

Oli Sykes amassed his wealth through his successful music career and his clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing.

What was Oli Sykes’ early musical career like?

Oli Sykes started his music career by creating compilation CDs and short tracks under the name Quakebeat and played in various bands such as Womb 2 Da Tomb and Purple Curto.

What is Bring Me the Horizon’s music style?

Bring Me the Horizon is known for their metalcore music style.

Who are the current members of Bring Me the Horizon?

The current members of Bring Me the Horizon are Oliver Sykes, Lee Malia, Matt Nicholls, and Jordan Fish.

What is Drop Dead Clothing?

Drop Dead Clothing is Oli Sykes’ clothing line featuring unique designs and alternative fashion.

What is known about Oli Sykes’ personal life?

Oli Sykes was previously married to Hannah Pixie Snowdon, but they separated. Not much information is available about his family.

How did Oli Sykes earn his net worth?

Oli Sykes’ net worth comes from his music career, including album sales and concert tours, as well as his entrepreneurship ventures.
