How Many Reindeer Does Santa Have? List If Santas Reindeer Names And Their Personalities

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Santa Claus's Reindeer 

Christmas is a traditional festival celebrated across the world. During Christmas, Santa gives gifts to the children and it is said that Santa comes on his Reindeer. The reindeer are named as Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dasher Blitzen, and Donner. Christmas is a bit eccentric, and there is fun with Christmas traditions and the Santa Clause as there is an arrival of decorations, evergreen Christmas trees, cookies, and milk.

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How Many Reindeer Does Santa Have? 

As Christmas eve is going to arrive and it is almost the festive month, all have to know how many reindeer Santa has. Santa has nine reindeer named Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dasher Blitzen, and Donner. Santa's reindeer is one of the magical subspecies called subspecies Saint-Nicolas magical, and are the most expansive and roundest hooves for all deer species.

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ReindeerPersonality TraitSkill


Loves to go fast!




All kinds of dance


A bit vain and affectionate



Liitle tricky




Good with kids



Bringing people together






Can electrify others


A little down on himself

Nose glows


Admits when she's wrong

Good at hide-and-seek

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Species Of Santa's Reindeer 

In this Species Of Santa Reindeer, Rudolph is represented as a boy. "The diet of Santa's reindeer during the month of December consists almost entirely of carrot snacks." 

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Santa Claus

Santa Claus is known by various names such as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa. He used to give gifts to everyone on Christmas Eve and the gifts like toys, chocolates, candies, etc.  As Santa Claus like and loves children, so he used to give many gifts and toys to the children and he makes them so happy. This wonderful event happened on Christmas and he used to surprise everyone during this wonderful event.  

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