Nicole Polizzi's Nickname Hasn't Always Been Snooki

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Because Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi's nickname has become so iconic, it's hard to imagine Snooki being called anything other than Snooki. But this public figure did have a life "pre-Snooki." In a Vulture article titled "Jersey Shore: An Oral History," the creators and stars shared some juicy inside secrets about the show. Polizzi revealed that prior to "Jersey Shore," most people actually didn't call her Snooki. "They were looking for nicknames on the application. One of my girlfriends used to call me that, just to be funny, so I wrote that down ... Now that it's stuck, I wish I'd put something else," she stated.

What is the origin of her nickname? According to Rolling Stone, Polizzi got Snooki from a character in the movie "Save the Last Dance." And though she's fond of her nickname, she claimed she missed being called Nicole. But her regrets didn't run deep. "I mean, it's worth it. Look where I am now. Opportunities like my own clothing line and my book, which I would never get if I was just a normal person." She went on to say that she bought her and her mom BMW's and even paid her grandma's debt off. Not too shabby.
