The Meaning Behind The Song: When I Wake Up In Glory by Mahalia Jackson

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Being a music teacher has allowed me to explore and appreciate various genres of music. One of the songs that has always struck a chord with me is “When I Wake Up In Glory” by Mahalia Jackson. I first heard this timeless piece of gospel music during my early days as a piano player, and it has remained close to my heart ever since.

I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house while discussing our favorite gospel tunes. As soon as the first notes played, I was captivated by the raw emotion and powerful vocals that Mahalia Jackson effortlessly delivered. The lyrics are simple yet profound, speaking about the hope and redemption found in waking up in glory.

The song opens with the lyrics, “I shall fall asleep someday, from this earth I’ll pass away.” These words convey the temporary nature of our lives on this earth, reminding us that one day, we will leave it all behind. As the song progresses, it expresses the desire for the soul to reach the promised land and sing on when faced with the challenges of life.

The line “I’ve cast faith against the host of sin prevail” resonates deeply within me. It reminds me of the constant battle we face between good and evil, and the strength of faith needed to overcome the trials and temptations in our lives. It serves as a poignant reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, and by relying on our faith, we can conquer any obstacle.

The chorus of the song is a powerful declaration of hope and joy. “And with Jesus, I’ll sing redemption story. I shall see His blessed sea, yea, He’s kept me by His grace when I wake up, yes, in glory by and by.” These words convey the joyous anticipation of being reunited with Jesus and experiencing the ultimate redemption and salvation.

“When I Wake Up In Glory” is featured on Mahalia Jackson’s album titled “The World’s Greatest Gospel Singer,” released in 1955. This iconic album solidified her status as one of the greatest gospel singers of all time. Jackson’s unique and soul-stirring voice, combined with her deep-rooted faith, made her an influential figure in the gospel music industry.

As a music teacher, I often find myself sharing this song with my students. Its powerful message of hope and salvation transcends time and resonates with people from all walks of life. I believe that music has the power to heal, inspire, and uplift, and “When I Wake Up In Glory” is a perfect example of its profound impact.

In conclusion, “When I Wake Up In Glory” by Mahalia Jackson is a song that holds deep meaning and significance. Its lyrics convey the hope, faith, and joy that come from knowing that one day we will wake up in glory and be reunited with Jesus. As a music teacher, I am grateful for the opportunity to share this timeless piece of gospel music and inspire others with its powerful message.
