Who are the First Men in Game of Thrones and where did they come from?

Publish date: 2024-05-09

The first people to settle in Westeros were the First Men. Before the Andals from the eastern continent of Essos arrived, they governed the area for tens of thousands of years. Most of southern Westeros was taken by the Andals, but they were unable to conquer the north.

The inhabitants of the North have the highest proportion of First Men blood in their veins and continue to practice many of their traditions, despite the fact that the blood of the First Men and the Andals has been significantly mixed over the years (via marriage or other methods). The names of First Men’s aristocratic residences are typically brief and descriptive, such as Flint, Gardener, Marsh, Mudd, Reed, Stark, or Strong.

Twelve thousand years before the book’s events, The First Men entered Westeros over a land bridge that connected Essos to the area of present-day Dorne. The enigmatic Children of the Forest, a small race that coexisted with the giants to govern Westeros, resisted them. The Stepstones and the modern-day peninsula of Dorne were made possible by the Children’s use of magic to demolish the land bridge, but they were driven back after many years of conflict.

Who are the First Men in ‘Game of Thrones’ and where did they come from?

One of the three main ethnic groups from which Westeros’ humans descended is the First Men. The first civilization to live on the continent was known as The First Men. The First Men’s impact is still most noticeable in the north of Westeros.
